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January 2023

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Auditions for Spring Main Stage Production, Almost, Maine, on January 25 and 26

Our next Main Stage production, Almost, Maine by John Cariani, will open on April 28 and run through May 13.  Almost, Maine is about a community that doesn't quite exist because the residents never got around to incorporating it. But on one magical night, many of those who call it home find love, lose love, and discover new aspects of themselves they did not know existed. Tom Bigongiari directs this charming, moving, funny, and always entertaining show. Tickets will go on sale in April.


Meanwhile, auditions take place on January 25 and 26. We've had a great response to our audition announcements so far.  If you're interested in auditioning, details can be found on our Web site.

Graphic design for Almost, Maine by Carol Bassett.

Auditions for Winter Readers' Theatre Production, Call My Dead Wife, Feb. 4 and 6

The Penfield Players are pleased to announce the return of our annual Winter Readers' Theatre. Our last Readers' Theatre production, Cinderella Waltz, was in February 2020, before the Covid lock down took effect. This year, we're presenting a new play, Call My Dead Wife, on Saturday and Sunday,  February 25 and 26 . Both performances are matinees at 2 p.m., both performances are at the Penfield Community Center, 1985 Baird Rd., Penfield, and both performances are free! Donations will, however, be gratefully accepted and concessions will be available at the performances.


The play, by local playrwright Hilary Bluestein-Lyons, is loosely based  on the life of Almon Stowger, who lived in Penfield, NY, circa 1890.  It tells the story of Mr. Stowger, who left New York to take over a mortuary in Kansas and, in the process, came up with a revolutionary invention. While this play is inspired by a true story, it's a fun romp through the world of inventions and chicanery. It has its serious side, too, though, as it explores issues of loss and grief.


For those interested in auditioning, there are five parts available, and details about the auditions on Feb. 4 and 6  can be found on our Web site. Jerry Argetsinger is the director.


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Penfield Players board members Sandra Lowe-Dusel (l) and Wendy Webster (r) in a scene from our fall production, Arsenic and Old Lace.

Penfield Players Board Seeks a
Publicity Director

The Penfield Players are looking to fill a volunteer position on their board as Publicity Director. The board consists of 13 members, each with a portfolio of board responsibilities.


The Publicity Director is in charge of all publicity activities for each of our productions, which include press releases, publicity materials (such as flyers, posters, and post cards), and mailings for our main stage productions. The Publicity Director chairs committee meetings of the publicity team as needed, and maintains and updates our community bulletin board in the Penfield Recreation Center. The Publicity Director works in close collaboration with our Digital Media Director who maintains our Facebook and Web site presences, including our quarterly newsletter. The current Publicity Director has agreed to train their replacement.


The Players usually do two mainstage productions a year, a Readers’ Theatre, and a Fringe Festival production. The Penfield Players are one of the longest-running community theatre production companies in the Rochester area. We currently meet the second Saturday of each month at the Penfield Community Center, 1985 Baird Rd., Penfield, or via Zoom. Prior experience with the Players is preferred but not necessary. The Penfield Players especially seek applications from members of underrepresented groups, including, but not only, members of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.


For more information about the Players, you can visit our Web site or our Facebook page. If you are interested in being considered for the board position or if you have questions, please e-mail us at


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